Rules & Guidelines
Read This Page Before Joining
Read Membership Explained
Management reserve the right to change it at will
When you join, you agree to adhere to the following membership rules and guidelines. You agree that if you break said rules as listed below, or repeatedly break the guidelines you will either receive warnings (strikes), or be removed straight away.
Membership Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.
You CONFIRM you have read this page when you join the club.
You do not need to identify yourself, unless you join as a gold+ tier & wish full access.
Please use Metanet.ID to identify yourself.
Do Not Leak.
Thread Replies.
No Spamming or Nonsense.
No Trolling or Harrassment.
MetaNet ICU Membership Rules
Your “Virtual Castle”, where the caretakers are willing to enforce rules. No abuse, trolling, harrassment. You can get up to 3 strikes, either 1 by 1 or all at once.
Forums & Slack
The MetaNet ICU exists to foster debate, technical discussion, education, and social cohesion without the abuse and trolling that is so prelevant in the traditional social media sector. Platinum or Business+ members can request private/hidden Forum or Slack areas.
Mutual Respect
It is expected that peoples privacy is mutually respected. That what is shared in within the MetaNet ICU is shared in confidence. If you wish to share what someone said/posted/drafted, etc, then ask permission of the creator first!
Don’t Leak from the ICU
If you copy/pasting outside the MetaNet ICU without permission and/or for malicious reasons is likely a permaban and may result in legal action. We have an eye in most of the sector, we do watch for this kind of thing.
GDPR & Your Data
You have the right to cancel your membership and request deletion of your information. But if we suspect you have been using our services for criminal means, or breaking our Terms of Service (Rules & Guidelines) and legal proceedings may occur within the timeframe of the given law, we will keep such information as according to the GDPR.
Actively Participate against BitCoin or the Membership Club.
If you actively participate to the detriment of BitCoin and/or against this membership club, or you have been a strong proponent in actively trying to attack the membership club or BitCoin, your membership will be rescinded or denied. If the prospective member is truly repentful, we might consider accepting their membership. There is no set criteria for this, when in question this will be decided by management.
“Respect the ICU, its rules and other members,
and in knowledge alone you will be wealthy.”
While we expect this privacy we also can’t provide it 100% and our members acknowledge that, though we will enforce our membership removal policies in such situations at our leisure.
When in slack and discussing a particular topic use a thread.
Ask admins or moderators for #Conflict-resolution if you and your debate opponent feels the need.
When a discussion gets too heated consider self censoring before saying something you regret.

Strike Policy
No abuse, trolling, or harassment.
Respect others privacy, no doxing.
Do not share content from Slack without permission.
Not limited to these.
Management might give 1 to 3 strikes, give you a temporary ban,
or a permenant ban.
No Anarchists! No Anarchy!
BitCoin is Capitalist.
The cries of “kill the government, destroy the banks!” are wrong and have been very detrimental to adoption. BitCoin is meant to help facilitate growth through adoption, and governments must play their role in this. The MetaNet membership club will tolerate no anti-government slogans, or hate. We are not in the business of anti-government rhetoric, and banks also serve many uses. We believe in anti-corruption, and better services provided, towards these ends are part of what we strive.