Metanet Mentors
These esteemed members are available for the wider public to discuss and speak at your virtual or in-person events. They have started businesses, projects, developed unique things for BitCoin, spoken at large, and studied the history and knowledge in this space.
You can reach out to one of our mentors through one of their social media presences, or by clicking the Send Request button below, this will send them a specific notification to the membership slack and they will reply to you as soon as able. Please make sure to check your email for a reply. You will have to cover expenses if you would like our mentors to travel long distances to attend events.

Brad Kristensen
DevOps & STN Manager
Australia (Melbourne)
An accomplished high end programmer, developer and network manager. Leading large teams, he has brought bitcoin to its greatest heights.

Brendan Lee
Founder: Elas Digital
Australia (Brisbane)
One of the worlds leading bitcoin script programmers. Elas digital is bringing the worlds 1st most comprehensive digital government alive.

Joel Dalais
Founder: Metanet ICU
United Kingdom
Interviewer, host, manager, software tester & business adviser. Has advised small and large international businsses & governments.

Donald Mulders
Founder: Dokkz
Founder, CEO and developer. With years of experience with project management from birth to launch and even more experience within the bitcoin sector.

George Siosi Samuels
Founder: Faiá
Asia Pacific
Pioneer and community builder, actively assisting governments within the Ring of Fire to adopt & facilitate bitcoin technology for the betterment of their nations.

Stephan Nilsson
CEO: Unisot
Leaders in supply chain management, providing analytics, IoT integration, data interchange, and more industry solutions suited for needs.

Will Devine
CEO: Repzip
Programmer, website designer, identity, security and privacy specialist for bitcoin and metanet technology. A leader and innovator in the bitcoin sector.

John Pitts
CEO: Structured Linguistics LLC
US (Mid-Atlantic)
Previously a nuclear submarine engineer and a technology-focused equity analyst, he now brings new projects and his vast knowledge to the sector.