April Memberships are due!
April Membership renewals;
Diamond members of February/March = do nothing
Gold members = demoted to silver
either stay as silver/single-channel, or renew your gold membership for full slack access & VIP stuff, aka, 4x perma single-channel guests & priority of invites to things, which isn’t really enforced at this time, but in due time it will be)
Silver members = demoted to bronze
retains basic forum access, you do *not* get single-channel guest slack spot at bronzer unless you get in via one of the 4x invites from a Gold member).
Bronze members = demoted to subscriber
you lose forum and member access and status as a subscriber.
Renew via the forums (if you want the slightly cheaper gold renewal)
IF you change from a Silver/guest to a Gold member and you are already in Slack = please tell a moderator so we can change you to a full member.
Issues, etc, thread it or pm me (preferably thread it if MB issues so we can tackle it).
Please feel free to post in this thread if you wish to check what your current membership status is at